Your Vote Counts!


The Cass County COA’s Millage Proposition for Services to Older Citizens, which is up for renewal on the August 6 ballot, is a crucial part of our community. It’s not just about the COA; it’s about all of us. Your support will enable the COA to continue to Enhance Life for thousands in our community every year.


Continuity of Services: Renewing the existing millage ensures that the essential services provided by the Council on Aging (COA) are not disrupted. This continuity is crucial for seniors who rely on these services for their daily needs and overall well-being.


No Increase in Taxes: Since this is a renewal, it does not involve an increase in taxes. Voters are simply maintaining the current level of funding, which supports vital programs without any additional financial burden on taxpayers.


Support for Seniors: The COA provides essential services and programs that enhance the quality of life for seniors in the community. These services include fitness programs, social activities, meal services, transportation, and health and wellness programs. Supporting the millage ensures these vital resources remain available to our aging population.


Promotes Independence: The programs offered by the COA help seniors maintain their independence and stay active in the community. By supporting the millage, voters are helping seniors live independently longer, reducing the need for costly assisted living or nursing home care.


Health & Wellness: The COA’s fitness centers, health screenings, and wellness programs contribute to seniors' overall health and well-being. These services help prevent chronic illnesses, reduce healthcare costs, and improve older adults' mental and physical health.


Social Connectivity: Many seniors face isolation and loneliness, which can lead to depression and other health issues. The COA provides social opportunities through events, classes, and group activities, fostering community and connection among older adults.


Community Engagement: The COA often serves as a community hub, not only for seniors but also for other community members who volunteer or participate in intergenerational programs. Supporting the millage helps maintain a vibrant, engaged, and connected community.


Quality of Life: The services and programs provided by the COA contribute to the overall quality of life in the community. A community that takes care of its older residents is seen as caring and compassionate, making it a more attractive place to live for people of all ages.


Cost-Effective Solution: Funding the COA through the millage is a cost-effective way to provide comprehensive services to seniors. The millage allows for consistent funding, which ensures that programs are sustainable and can be planned and executed effectively without financial uncertainty.


Addressing Demographic Changes: As the population ages, the demand for senior services increases. Supporting the millage ensures that the COA is adequately funded to meet the growing needs of the senior population now and in the future.









COA Staff