Looking to earn some extra money this summer? We are hiring individuals and businesses to help us complete chores through our Chore Service program.
Please contact Danielle Dilts at (269)445-8110 or danielled@casscoa.org to learn more about this program.
When tasks like cleaning out an attic or basement start to become overwhelming, the Cass County COA may be able help eligible 60+ Cass County residents through the seasonal Respite Chore Service Program. This program will be available until September or until the funds have been exhausted.
Common chores include:
- Carpet cleaning
- Window washing
- Deep cleaning bathrooms and kitchens
- Minor plumbing repairs
- Cleaning gutters
- Cleaning basements and attics
Eligibility requirements:
- Must live in Cass County
- Must be at least 60 years of age
- Must have a Caregiver (someone who assists and/or oversees the senior)
- Must have less than $30,000 in savings, checking, retirement, etc.
- Current Area Agency on Aging (AAA) clients are NOT eligible for this program.
This program is funded through a grant from AAA.
If you know of someone who may want to participate in this program, please have them call (269) 445-8110 for more information.
Note: Each year the number of chore service projects is limited by the amount of grant funding we receive.