Do you know what all the laughter and fun is about at the COA? Not only are people coming in for lunch, fitness, and activities, but they are also coming to visit friends, enrich their lives, and have fun. If you are looking to socialize, stay or get active, meet new people, and be involved in your community, then you are definitely checking out the right place with the COA. However, if you are feeling unsure, nervous about trying something new, or need some motivation, let us share with you some inspiring, uplifting and motivating testimonies from COA members.


“In the winter of 2021, I was having some big mobility problems. I fell on the ice and was unable to get up by myself. I was also having trouble with the stairs and I was unable to lift anything with my left arm. At the COA, I was encouraged to try the balance class. I struggled at first, but the attitude of the other participants was very positive and the class was fun so I decided to continue. It’s been 2 years and I have made great progress. I can lift my arm, I’m no longer falling but can get up if I do fall, and stairs are a breeze. I have also made some really great friends.” ~ Bernadette

“Last year might not seem like it, but was one of the best years of my life! Last summer I started coming to the COA with my boyfriend to exercise; however, I had to stop due to a knee replacement. During that time, my boyfriend who was also a COA member, had passed away, then 4 months later I also lost my Dad. This was a very dif² cult time and I knew I needed to do something to get myself together, so I decided to come back to the COA. I started to exercise for stress and then I started to go into the café where I began to meet people and make friends. Now we all go to various activities together at the COA and in the community. Good friendships mean so much and can be such good therapy when you need it the most. It ended up being a great decision I made to come back to the COA.” ~ Kelly

“I began attending the COA after the loss of my husband. I started out with fitness and after several months I was amazed at all the activities the COA has to offer. I would like to express my gratitude regarding the existence of the COA. I have met many people from different walks of life and it’s great to learn from each of them. The staff is knowledgeable, friendly, and professional. I recommend the COA because it’s a great place to meet new people and do great things.” ~ Sheryl

“I like to eat lunch every day and visit with friends, use the exercise room, and meet new people. I love all of the activities, the programs, and the parties. I want to thank the COA and staff for all you do to help make my day a better day by being friendly and greeting me with a smile. Thank you so much.” ~ Jackie

“The Cardio Challenge class dares the senior population to be the best you can be! We have a delightful instructor who makes sure all the exercises are being performed properly and has our health in her best interest. Since attending classes, I have noticed improvement in my balance, flexibility, energy, and breathing. I also appreciate the support of my fellow class members and the positivity this class brings to my life.” ~ Terrie

“I can’t believe how much my balance has improved after only one month of Tai Chi. We are so lucky to have the COA right here in Dowagiac.” ~ Deb

The COA is filled with great activities and an abundance of amazing people. Come and check all that you have been missing.



Ky’Sha Johnson, Front Street Crossing Coordinator / Certified COA Fitness Trainer