Each year, some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions people have are to exercise more and be healthier. Perhaps you have similar goals yourself. What if I were to tell you there’s a proven way to double the chances of reaching your fitness goals, push yourself harder, and stay consistent? Sounds too good to be true, or at the very least, there must be a catch. Incredibly, this can be a reality simply by having a workout partner and exercising together.


Here are 3 incredible benefits of working out with a partner.


1. Motivation

Most of us are not enthusiastic about jumping out of bed to work out in the morning, and that’s totally normal. Intrinsic motivation doesn’t come easy to many people, but that’s where partner workouts come into play. There’s a huge social component to motivation. Motivation is one of the most significant benefits of working out with a friend; your partner can give much-needed encouragement and boost your confidence when you feel like quitting. A research study from the University of Aberdeen discovered that people who work out in pairs exercise more than those who exercise on their own. It was also noted during this study that the amount of exercise increased even more when partners were emotionally supportive and offered encouragement. Being social creatures by nature, we’re hardwired to seek out company and encouragement, especially when doing work. Motivation from a partner is also important when trying new things. Sometimes, we shy away from new classes or practices because we’re intimidated or too nervous, but when you have an exercise buddy, you can support each other as you branch out of your fitness comfort zones.


2. Accountability

When it comes to any fitness goal, consistency is everything, and the best way to stay consistent is to be accountable to someone. When you commit to working out with a friend, such as attending a fitness class or starting a fitness challenge together, the likelihood of you sticking with your decision will skyrocket because you don’t want to disappoint your friend by ditching them. For this to work, you’ll need to have an emotional connection to your partner. If you don’t care about letting your partner down or blowing them off, it isn’t going to work. Your exercise partner doesn’t need to be your best friend, but they have to be someone you respect enough not to disappoint. If you feel like you have a responsibility or commitment to another person, you’re more likely to follow through on that commitment. Just by working out with a friend, you reduce the chances of giving up. And the consistency you gain from your commitment will help you see results much faster.


3. It’s Fun!

Just because the word “work” is in a workout doesn’t mean you can skip out on the fun. Exercise should be fun and not just a chore. Working out on your own can get a little boring, but with a workout buddy, you’ll both be able to share the highs and lows of  fitness with smiles on your faces, or at least commiserate together. Plus, mixing your training up with a bit of banter makes everything better. You will soon see that the time will seem to fly by faster as you are having fun working out with someone. Now that you know the benefits of working out with a partner, it’s time to convince your friends to work out with you!


To help you out, the COA has decided to make the January BOGO Fitness Special with buddies in mind.


For the entire month, buy a 1 Month, 3 Month, or 1 Year Membership and get up to 40% off for your buddy. (Call 269-445-8110 for more information.)


Our experienced COA  fitness instructors can even help you find the perfect partner workouts for you and your buddy. Just remember that buddies that sweat together stay together.








Taylor Lee - COA Certified Fitness Trainer