Getting older presents many gifts: maturity, grace, wisdom, experience, and perspective, to name a few. Growing older can also carry many challenges. Memory can decline, balance can be impaired, and the sense of self can suffer. The risk of life-threatening illnesses, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer, also increases with age. Joint stress, osteoarthritis, and other types of pain will also commonly surface as you age. Psychologically and emotionally, seniors experience higher rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.


The good news is there are so many things you can do to improve your overall health and well-being as a senior. Healthy eating and exercise can assist in preventing disease and injury and keeping your physical body in good shape, and meditation and brain training exercises can keep your mind sharp.


Yoga offers many health benefits that work physical and psychological wonders for the aging body. Seniors, who often struggle with pain, joint stress, imbalance, osteoarthritis, and other physical limitations, can benefit from incorporating a yoga practice into their daily routine. As you practice yoga and become mindful of not just your body but also of your thoughts and emotions, you will become more connected to and cognizant of your environment, your community, and the world around you.


COA Testimonial:

I’ve practiced yoga ever since Margaret Filchak began offering classes at the COA, more or less 20 years ago. I do a little bit at home but I really enjoy moving and breathing together with diverse people who have the same gentle goal.


Yoga is spiritual as well as physical. Speaking of physical, earlier this year I had a knee replacement. This may sound unbelievable, but ten days after the surgery I returned to yoga. Amy Crennell kindly adjusted the practice so that I could fully participate.


I was also going to physical therapy. My therapists were amazed at my progress, which I’m sure is due to yoga. Yoga builds strength and flexibility and teaches peace and acceptance. I believe the world would be a happier, healthier place if everyone practiced yoga. 

Ruth Andrews



At the COA, we offer a variety of fitness classes to meet the needs of our local seniors and community members, including yoga. Try it out for yourself and enjoy the benefits yoga can have on you!


Mondays 5:45-7:00 pm

Thursdays 9:00-10:15 am

Saturdays 9:00-1015 pm





COA Staff