It has been said that the only guarantee in life is that everything will eventually change. There are a lot of us in this world who cringe at the idea that everything we know and are comfortable with will eventually be subject to change or even loss. There are others who welcome the inevitable, taking every new course in life as an opportunity to grow and experience more.


Personally I strive to be someone who welcomes change. If it is going to happen, would it not just be easier to, as many would say, go with the flow. I can remember so many times in my life when things were not going my way and I wanted nothing more than for everything to change, so of course I was relieved when things started to be different and my life was going the way I wanted. Then on the other hand, things and circumstances always arise and we are forced to endure change whether or not it is something that we like or agree with.


During the last year and a half for example, all of us have experienced great amounts of change. A lot of this has been uncomfortable and even painful at times, but hopefully many people were able to develop a deeper sense of gratitude for things that in the past did not seem as significant. One’s desire to hug loved ones a little tighter and the willingness to stay on the phone just a minute longer increased. Many also realized just how much we enjoy being out and about, whether it is a night at the movies or eating out with a friend. These are results of growing due to dealing with the negative changes. It is because of these changes that people are able to see how much family and friends really matter.


As we begin the New Year, I am sure that all of us will face some kind of change in the upcoming year. The uncertainty of the year ahead is a normal facet in life and I challenge everyone reading this to make the most of whatever awaits you in 2022. Embrace the good times and try to see the silver lining when facing hardships. There is always an opportunity for growth and self-reflection when we are in the middle of something new.


We need to always remember that change is the spice of life that makes this world and our experiences interesting and new.



Paige Nelson